Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Happy Baby Booty Balm - Now In Spray and Squeeze Tube Form!

Last fall I wrote a review on the Happy Baby Booty Balm by Mum Mum Crafts.  At that time the product had just hit the shelves and was only available in a small tin.  As much as I loved the product (and still do), I am not a fan of sticking my finger in tins, jars, or anything of that sort.  This includes coconut oil, lip balm, peanut butter ... and yes diaper rash balm.  It just seems to get my hands messier than they need to get.  That being said, I was super excited when I found out that Mum Mum Crafts was coming out with a spray version of their super awesome Happy Baby Booty Balm.  How awesome would that be???  All you have to do is aim, spray, rub, and go.  Easy as that!  Needless to say I bought a bottle ASAP.  At the same time I mentioned to the owner Lucy, that it would also be awesome if the balm was offered in a squeeze tube.  Wouldn't you know it, she created a squeeze tube version not more than a week or two later.  That's awesome customer service!!!  So of course I bought one of those too.

Let me back up a bit to first tell you what made me fall in love with the Happy Baby Booty Balm.  First off, it's great for cloth diapers.  As you may know, regular diaper rash creams are a no-no in the cloth diaper world.  You need to make sure you pick a cloth diaper safe cream that will wash out easily.  The second thing that drew me in was the smell.  Ahhhhhh!  I could smell this balm all day long.  It's an earthy, woodsy, sweet smell that just makes me want to bath in it.  Oh yes, I would!  The third thing that drew me in ... it works!  If Linc's bum is red then it takes the redness away in one or two changes.  If his bum is dry then it adds moisture in one or two changes.  Easy as that!  Oh, and just to let you know ... Yes, it's green.  Yes, it weirded me out at first.  Yes I got over it.  Yes I LOVE it!

So how did the new versions work you ask?  Well ...

Happy Baby Booty Balm - .6 oz Squeeze Tube - $5 & 2 oz Squeeze Tube - $16
I love the new squeeze tube!  It's the same great formula as the original version in the tin, only now I feel I have a bit more control over how much I use and I don't get any stuck up under my nails.  I love that it comes in two sizes too.  I can use the little bottle in my diaper bag, or even my purse, while I keep the larger bottle at home next to the changing table.  The only downside is that the squeeze tube makes it a bit more difficult to use those last few drops of balm, where you can wipe down every bit in the tin.

Happy Baby Booty Spray - 2oz Spray Bottle - $9.75
Yet another easy way to use Mum Mum Craft's Happy Baby Booty products.  Just one or two quick sprays (I usually do two), rub it in, and you're ready to go.  The smell is pretty close to the same as the balm, but I can smell just a hint of olive oil in it.  So yummy!  This formula is thinner than the original version.  The original version comes out in more of a gel consistency, while the spray comes out in more of an oil consistency.  Currently this is my go to product at my changing table.  I like how fast and easy it is.  I even leave it with the cap off so I only need one hand to squirt and rub while the other hand is free to hold Linc's legs.  All the other options I would need two hands.

Overall I love the entire Happy Baby Booty line!  Even my girls think the smell is oh so yummy.  I just can't get over it.  I think I need a lotion or perfume in this fragrance for myself.  It's just like candy to me ... in a musty, earthy type of way.  It's hard to say what my favorite is.  I think I'm going to say the squeeze tube.  I have better control than the spray and I don't get any stuck under my nails like the tin.  It's just perfect!

If you would like to purchase Mum Mum's Crafts - Happy Baby Booty Balm or Spray (or any of her other products), you can find them at her Etsy Shop, or Hyena Cart Shop.  Also be sure to check out Mum Mum's Crafts on FacebookTwitter, and Mum Mum's Blog, for the latest news on new products and current specials.

**Just a heads up.  Mum Mum Crafts is sponsoring an awesome prize pack for the Mother's Day Cloth Diaper Giveaway Hop.  Check back here from May 1st - May 12th for your chance to win.**

**This review is comprised of my own opinions and was not influenced by any outside source.  The product was purchased by myself and was not given to me or asked to be reviewed by any outside source.  No advertising was purchased in order to feature this product. **


  1. I use cloth wipes, but I soak them in a solution, I'd be really interested in trying something like this instead though.

    1. Oh, I still use a wipe solution too. I just use this as my diaper rash cream.

  2. I am always looking for a good solution for my baby's booty! This sounds great!

  3. I won the happy baby booty balm last fall and am almost out. I'd love to win this, especially since it now comes in a tube.

  4. I'm liking the spray bottle!

  5. I love the new formats! I worry about contaminating my baby's diaper cream by sticking fingers in the pot - this makes so much more sense.

  6. I have a vegan salve that I made with some friends at a class, and I love it. Turning that into a cloth diaper cream is genius, especially the spray bottle format.

  7. I love the spray bottle. That would make things much easier and since we use cloth wipes would definitely get used. Thanks

  8. I've never tried a diaper bum spray! I would love to try it. I hate getting my fingers all covered in goop.

  9. never tried this but sounds like something i would like!

  10. Looks like a great product! I need to try it.

  11. Love it, especially the Happy Baby Booty Balm - looks like something that would be easy to put on.

  12. Wow it works in under 2 changes! I'd go with the spray kind, just for convenience / ease of use.

  13. I like the squeeze tube, cool idea.

  14. This looks so easy for my crazy baby who doesn't lay still for diaper changes!

  15. I definitely need to replace our zinc products.. I don't like the smell or the feel of them. This stuff looks so much better!

  16. I love how you show a picture of how it looks outside the tube! very helpful! thanks!

  17. I'm a fan of sprays with cloth wipes, but my kiddo has been breaking out to the mix we've been recently using. I wonder if this would be a good replacement?

  18. I've never heard of this product, thanks for making the introduction!

  19. This sounds fantastic! I like the spray idea since baby girl is so wiggly. It seems this would be so much faster and probably more effective than our current routine which seems to get more on me than her. :)

  20. I would love to try out the spray! I hate getting greasy fingers from the diaper cream.

  21. I would love to try this out! I am always looking for new solutions to try out!

  22. This stuff looks really good! I love that there is a choice of spray or tube!

  23. Sounds like a good product, I would love to try it out sometime.

  24. we don't really have cloth diaper rash issues anymore, but this soooo would have come in handy when my son was a bit younger...i had no idea there were so many cloth friendly options out there!

  25. So much to learn! Any irritation to the little ones?? My son has sensitive skin

    1. My little ones don't have sensitive skin, but the owner of the product line does and that's the whole reason she created the line.

  26. I would love the spray for a no mess application. It even looks great just in pictures.

  27. Spray sound cool. I hate getting goop on my fingers too.

  28. laura4him@bellsouth.net
    thanks for the review

  29. I've been looking for a good rash cream as we just had an incident crop up and this seems like a great option.

  30. I've been looking for a cream that takes redness away! My son gets a red booty a lot and I need to figure out how to stop it.

  31. I like the spray bottle idea. I currently use a stick because I like that it's easy to apply and I don't get my hands all greasy. Looks like the spray might give me the same benefits.

  32. I've never heard of this brand before. The spray sounds great!

  33. you've convinced me! the spray bottle it is!

  34. I love that this is a spray and I don't have to get my hands messy! I really want to try this!

  35. I really like the spray. When my son does get diaper rash (rarely) this would be nice b/c he never wants it touched! With the spray you wouldn't have to do much touching!

  36. I would really like to try the spray!

  37. I would really like to try out the spray as well! No touching!

  38. we haven't used this brand but it sounds like an awsome brand!

  39. I love that they have it in a spray version!

  40. I think they spray would be convenient


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