Friday, June 29, 2012

Fluffy Tip #3 – Sunning Isn’t Just For Diapers

Sunning is great for getting out stains
Ok, I know almost all of you know that laying your diapers out in the sun will take away the stains. Most of you probably even know that adding lemon juice to these stains will help even the toughest stains come out. What you might not have thought about is that this basic principal goes way beyond diapers. Next time you get a stain on your clothes, sheets, or towels, try sunning them out! Just make sure you don’t leave colored fabric out in the sun for too long. You don’t want them to start fading. 

So how do you do this? Just take your wet piece of clothing (or whatever else you are sunning), and hang or lay it out in the sun. The item needs to be wet to work effectively. You can also try adding lemon juice to really tough stains, but I would test this out in a small area first if you’re doing this on a colored or delicate fabric. This method won’t work on all stains, but I’ve had a lot where it worked like a charm!  Check out this bib that I only had in the sun for about 30 minutes.

Stained Bib BEFORE Sunning
Stained Bib BEFORE Sunning

Stained Bib AFTER Sunning
Stained Bib AFTER Sunning

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